Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Making Cookies!

We all know that I don't cook. So my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner is usually some chips and dip to snack on and desserts. Who can't heat up some cookie dough? This year we decided to get fancy, some moms from T's class were talking about these cute little cookies so I thought "what the heck!"Here we have a pilgrim hat and a turkey....

Obviously the kids ate more than they produced...expected. And, they didn't exactly follow the prototype.

I know, I know. "That's what makes them precious." Luckily they got bored and went to destroy the house so I got to make some the right way!!!!
I can't wait 'til tomorrow!!! I love Thanksgiving. No buying presents and wrapping....blah, blah, blah. Just a whole lot of eating!! And huggin' on my baby brother!!!
( your heart out Kat! I'm on the ball and you're still stuck in September!!!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A second Thanksgiving feast....

Well, this was quite a day. The kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast is something to behold!

The day started with nice little story from the most precious teacher in the world...Mrs. Prine. (or as T calls her "Mrs. Primes)

Then they went outside to blow off some steam.

Back inside we're waiting to get dressed. Anyone for a little Indians and Pilgrims?

Here's the "old married couple" being silly in the hall. They're together so much they bicker worse than a couple of 80 year olds!!
Yum yum!! Turkey with all the fixin's and we get to play dress up too!! This rocks!

Of course all T ate was the turkey and dessert! Besides, it's to exciting to eat....we had a big audience. Today was also grandparents day so they were stopping by too.

Saying Thank You for such a wonderful day!!

Little Park sitting with Mama waiting for the Indian show to start.

The kids did some songs and poems, they had one that they used tom-toms. It was adorable!! Since I'm so computer savy, I'll show it to you...
(You'll want to go to the bottom and pause the music to hear this... it's in the top left corner)
I did it!!! Didn't even have to call grandaddy!

Two little Indinas (T & Mimi) sittin' in a wagon....Jill and I used it to bring in all the goodies!

Daddy and Mama catching up w/ Mrs. "Primes".

A little cutting up with the boys...T, Carson and Blaine.
A fun time was had by all!!! Can't wait til next year!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Thanksgiving Feast...

Today I got the pleasure of joining in on the Thanksgiving feast in Ms. Sally's class. And one Parker Dunn was feelin' like a rock star!! (I do alot in T's class and she gets a little bummed but today was her day!!)
First a little song about an acorn from 10little Indians.Then we feasted on turkey rolls, cornbread muffins, and pumpkin pie. Yum Yum!!

Don't ya just want to eat her up and lick your fingers???
She's got a great little class and we had a wonderful time!! I can't wait to get her to CAK where they'll let me come hang out all the time!!! (I love to be around my kids at school, they actually mind their teachers!!)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just a quick praise...

I got a phone call today some time after 1pm. When I looked at my phone it simply said "Jesse".
He was calling to tell me he was home! That's my praise, he's home, he's safe. I remembered this morning on my way to church and just felt enormously blessed, as there have been thousands of families not able to celebrate this day. So, no pictures today, but on Thanksgiving day when I suprise T and Park with his attendance....I'll have plenty.

I know, I know, sniff's not usually my thing to be like this. I made an exception!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm on a roll...

Two days in a row....
Things have been a little tense for the Dunns these days so we decided to bake some cookies and head off to the park after we picked T up from school. Besides being a bit nippy, it was a really nice day. The kids played in the sand and did the slides and swings, all in about 10 minutes. Then they headed over to the lake. You know how everyone has a happy place? Like Phoebes baaabbbliinngg broookkke (sorry to those of you who aren't obsessed w/ "Friends"). Well, for my kids it's outside... and the closer to mud, rocks and water the better. They threw rocks in and had sticks stirring the water. No fighting, no yelling....just laughing and quiet.

Until... Parker found this cool rock that Taylor HAD to have. He negotiated as best he could but it didn't work. Finally, he told her he was going to throw a rock at her! Didn't faze her. Then he found a couple of pennys in his pocket so she traded. Wish I had a video of that conversation!
PS, I just got a phone call that Jesse is OUT OF BAGHDAD!!!!!! He's on his way to Kuwait and then home!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It figures!!

Just when I'm about to put the little devils up on Ebay they sit still for a minute and look like this. And I'm brainwashed, yet again, into thinking they're precious angels that I want to keep little forever.

Then they get up and... well you know what happens...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Random suff...

So here's the beautiful tree in my front yard. I have these black rocking chairs on the porch beside my kitchen that I never use. It's a lovely little spot out there, but still, never use it. tree turns. Every year when I notice it's fully changed I mosey outside and sit in one of my chairs and just look at it. Today was that day. It was also the day that the tv in my bedroom went out, our refrigerator broke and it took me 5 minutes to get the garage door to come up. So I really needed those rocking chairs and that tree.
And finally here's a picture of Park playing leap frog through the house in her panties and her boots (and of course her bow). A little comic relief for the day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm back!!

Yes, I'm back. Took a small vacation from the blog. I've got a job you know, I can't just sit here on this thing all day. Ha!
Let me fill you in on the last several days. Where shall I start? Hmmmmm. Well, last weekend Jimmy took the kids to West Virginia to see his grandparents for their 70th wedding anniversary. (Isn't that amazing?) Funny story, while they were there they never brushed their teeth, took a bath, or changed their underwear. (Lord, please don't take me before my kids learn to take care of themselves!!!) They were pretty disgusting when they came home!! But after not seeing them for a few days I didn't mind! While they were gone I had dinner w/ some friends I hadn't seen in a long time....then stopped at polka dots for a night cap....and some halloween candy! The next day was set aside for painting. Parker needed a pink room. And a bigger room w/ it's own bathroom. So me, my sister, polka dot and my neighbor Jeanine were going to paint. But before we could get started I had to make a memory........

This is the paint I dropped while opening the door. I know, put the can down first, don't balance it on your leg. Lesson learned! At least J wasn't smug about it!!
We finally finished it....on Tuesday. Yes, I did have 4 of us on Saturday but none of us could paint so Jimmy had to fix it when he came home. I'll put some pics on as soon as I get everything hung up.

Jimmy Dunn had a birthday on Monday. I can't believe I didn't take even 1 picture. But it happened, like it or not.....

Then there was Veterans Day this week. T got to dress patriotic and even made a hat in honor of Jesse. Who by the way should be home in the next 2 weeks!!!!!!! YEAH!
Today we had the Johnson girls, Mimi "Rodriguez" and "Ronald" Reagan, as Mr. Dunn fondly refers to them....Here's T pondering which one should be his girlfriend today. (My vote as always is Mimi, only b/c Reagan already has 3 boys in her pocket!)
And here's the gang. Don't they look precious.

This was taken right before they found the dog crap that was left at the bottom of the slide.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

It's finally here!! Halloween! Park woke up at 5:30 (AM) and asked if it was time to go. "It's dark outside though?" Well, we waited all day it was FINALLY time to get dressed.

So, what do ya think? It took Rainbow Skeleton 2 years to make his debut. Last year T had a dream about a skeleton that was rainbow colored and here he is!! And how can you miss the Beautiful Cinderella...or Parkerella as I was calling her, it made her mad though.

When I was a kid you got dressed, did your neighborhood, came home and ate all your candy. (well, what was left after my parents took out their favorite stuff!) These days, there's a whole schedule you have to keep.
Stop #1 Auntie Jamies office........

Oh dear, Aunt Jamies a little knocked up! Just for today though. Apparently all the girls who work in her office end up that way eventually! And I believe it b/c there were about 8 little bitty ones in there when we came in.....bless their hearts, they were not McLovin' Rainbow Skeleton!!

On to our next stop....Parkers dance studio. Only mommy left the camera in the car. Oops! Fun times though. They had a haunted house in one studio and games and crafts in the other. Best of all was the decorate your own cupcake table!!!

On the way home from the first 2 stops Park took a power nap!!

Then she came home and stripped b/c she thought we were done. She got a bit testy when I told her to get dressed again we had more to do!! She cheered up when a fairygodmother and an army dog showed up later!!

Rainbow lovin' on Mom!! Such a sweetie!

There's that Fairygodmother and Sgt. Jake!! Sooooo Cute!!!!!
A little run through the neighborhood and then it was time to make it to our final stop............
THE JOHNSON FAMILY HAYRIDE!! They do it up too! Thanks for having us guys it was a top 10 event!!
T and a Cheetah Girl...Oh, my bad, that's Reagan Johnson!! Look at those sweet little faces.

And not such a sweet face. Cooper J decided to spice up the football player Taylor Dunn style!

Cheetah girl #2 Mimi Kate ..... and a pretty princess.

And I can't forget that precious pumpkin (literally) Hutton Button!! That's Park's costume from her 1st year. Glad it got a second go around though!! It was actually her back-up...she did not like the first option...wish I had a picture of it!!!!!!
Well, there you have it folks. Another year down. Actually we have our Fall Festival in about 30 minutes so I gotta do it all again!!!