Friday, July 3, 2009

Tee for two...

To quote Spongebob Square Pants...this is going to be the best day ever!!! Well, it's July 4th weekend and what better way to start than a little golf. Jimmy was going to take Taylor to hit some balls this morning and Pink got upset b/c she never gets to go. Soooo, we all went. By the looks of the pictures we had a very productive, good time....I'll tell you what really happened at the end.

Dad is trying to establish that this is a golf course, not a playground so we had to be quiet and respectful. (You can see how well they're listening, quiet is not their thing)

Now to get the balls, very loud that machine.

Here's Park getting her very first lesson from daddy.
T is already a PGA golfer and needs no assistance. So he thinks.

Not to shabby baby girl, great follow thru!!

This is precious! We love us some sports at the Dunn house!! Now I just need to learn and we'll have a foursome. Problem is this game requires patience...not my strong point.
Here's when things start getting rocky.....

Park's done after about 10 minutes, she's crawling....

Then they noticed the bunker behind them.....

And after chasing them down to the lake over the cart path and thru a fairway....we settled under a nice tree to hit each other with sticks. (I took this before the hitting.)
Not an entirely horrible experience, I'm exhagerating, it could have been MUCH worse! It was nice to do something different and dad did get to hit some by himself while we went on our tour of the course.

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