Thursday, May 28, 2009

We're Still Here!!!

This is the only picture I have to offer currently. (I do realize these are my children and all of you won't share my feeling but, those are the cutest flippin' kids I've EVER seen!) We're having technical difficulties here at the Dunn house. Both of our computers have issues. Mine just won't read discs or my memory card so I can't get my pictures off my camera. Not life threatening, just a bummer for anyone who reads this b/c quite frankly the pictures are better than my words. Mr. Dunn's are a bit more serious as it is what helps him make our living. Anyway, my sweet sister took the kids to meet a friend of hers who's a photographer and she got some amazing shots of them! It was a birthday present for me!! Just about the best one I've ever gotten! :)

Anyway, this last month has been CRAZY! As the end of the school year always is. If I can ever get pictures on here again you'll see T's birthday, field trip to the zoo, field day, last day of school and of Parker, her in her recital costume (which her recital is this weekend and she's SO excited b/c she gets to wear makeup and get flowers!) her program at school and swimming. It'll be LONG!

We're just hanging out, enjoying sleeping in and going to the pool. We love us some summertime!

1 comment:

shanie said...

Can't wait to see pictures from all the happenings! We'll have to get together for some pool time soon. We have swim lessons starting June 8!