Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Do You Pick a Father?

When you're looking for a husband there's a certain criteria you tend to follow, unintentionally of course. But it's only after that man becomes a father that you really know how good a choice you've made. You don't know the questions you need to ask when looking for the man who'll father your children....
Like, will he be as good a father as you had. And will your father and brother become his friends.

Will he be a servant to the King?

Will he be there on Daddy Day at ballet.....

Or teach your son to fish (even when he doesn't know how)....
And let your little girl tag along.....

Will he be there for trick or treat....

Would he go through the incredible hassel to bring home a 200lb pumpkin just to see your sons eyes light up.....
Will he take business calls at the beach......

Or truly care about Super Mario...even on New Years day during 25 football games....
Will he be the one to teach your son how to play football....
And give him his first trophy....

Will he build a snowman with them......

Or take your son to watch baseball and share his love of it.....
Will he walk into the ocean and look for jellyfish....

Will he make you smile 9 years later the way he did that very first moment that you knew he was the one...
If you can answer yes to all these questions you've made the perfect choice and God has blessed your family.
Happy Fathers Day baby....We love you.
"Children's children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is there father." Proverbs 17:6

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Up, Up and away!!

Grandmommy & grandaddy took us to see "UP" in 3D. How cool are these glasses. They look like the BCG's Jess had to wear at bootcamp!
The kids were so good, Park ate her weight in popcorn and Taylor laughed so loud you could hear him in the other theaters!! I love my kids!!

Well, I think I've found a way to get around our compter issues and keep up w/ the good ole' Crackberry! It's not easy, I'm not gonna lie, but for my faithful readers, I'll do what I have to do.....for all 6 of you!! Ha ha!!